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Two Cool Announcements!

This blog post contains an affiliate link, by clicking on the link for products I know and love, I may earn a small commission.

It's been a little while since I last posted but I figured I'd share the cool news here!

First, I've been teaching photography to kids and adults for the last few months and have absolutely been loving the experience. Getting to connect with students in a creative setting surrounded by other art + music classes has helped me return to my roots.

It's also helped reignite my creativity.

Each week we learn a new type of photography, and strengthen our knowledge of the foundations of the medium. Today alone I taught 4 classes and the creativity in the room with each group is contagious! Right now the art school I am partnering with, Markevich Creative Studios, is running kids summer camps too which has been super fun!

The second piece of news is that I am now an Amazon Associate which means that periodically I will be posting about products that I use that can be purchased on Amazon. I still try to shop local first, but living way up north can have limited options sometimes so Amazon has been a go-to for a few of my favourite everyday pieces of equipment.

When I make the posts, I will link to the products and if you were to click on the link and make a purchase, I would receive a small commission at no additional cost to you! It's a total win-win because you get a product you'll use+love and you help a local small business owner at the same time!

I'll only link to products/brands that I actually use and/or think are awesome too. Promise.

The first product is something I used to use for headshots when I first started out, and now they are a fixture in my photography classes : An Introductory Studio Light Set Up

My set is 8+ years old now and not even available on Amazon anymore, but that's ok because the new sets are even better! As soon as my current lightbulbs die, I plan to switch to these in my classroom. They are LED (no more *hot* lightbulbs hurrah!), and you can change the light temperature! They also come with sweet soft boxes and are dimmable.

Like wow... I wish these were available when I was starting out.

Photography Studio Grande Prairie

So that's my exciting news!

If you'd like more information about photography classes, reach out! And if you'd like to support me by clicking on my Amazon link, that's awesome too! You don't even need to purchase the product I'm linking to! Even just the click can help drive traffic to my posts!

Whether you've been here with me from the beginning or you're new, thanks for reading and happy shooting!


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